Unlikely Animal Friendships

unlikely animal friendships

Unlikely Animal Friendships

There are unlikely animal friendships in the world that may make you ask yourself ‘How did that happen?’.  A dog and a cat?  A cat and a bird?  We’ve been conditioned to believe (thank you Tom and Jerry cartoons) that this simply cannot and should not occur.  However, it does, over and over. These type of unlikely animal friendships tend to melt one’s heart.  Furthermore, these friendships provide evidence that animals may be more emotionally advanced than they are given credit for.  Need a ‘Pick Me Up‘? Have a look.

Bubbles the Elephant and Bella the Labrador

Bubbles is a African elephant.  Bella is a black Labrador retriever.  They are the best of friends.  They spend their days at the Myrtle Beach Safari in South Carolina.

Bubbles arrived at the animal sanctuary in 1983 when she was orphaned.  In 2007, Bella was abandoned as a pup by a contractor hired to build a pool at the safari.  They’ve lived happily together ever since.  Watching them play together confirms their feelings for one another.

Wilma the Ostrich and Bea the Giraffe

Like many budding friendships, these two can’t seem to get enough of one another.  From the moment they met at Busch Gardens in Florida, they’ve been drawn to each other.  They live in a 65-acre Serengeti Plain exhibit with several other animals and species.  Most animals tend to stay with their own species.  However, Wilma and Bae choose to spend time together.

The Chicken and the Chihuahua

Roo, a two-legged chihuahua is best friends with another two-legged animal, Penny.

Penny is a silkie chicken.  These chickens get their name from their smooth appearance which is due to the lack of barbs in their feathers.  Roo is able to get around in a specially made custom wheelchair.  They spend their days together side by side.

There are so many stories of unlikely animal friendships.  If you’d like to take a peek at others, check out this link to a list of several others.

For more information about this subject or general questions you can contact:

Courie Dennis with Posh Paws Pet Care, LLC
Visit our website at PoshPawsPetCareSC.com
Or send us a note from our contact page here.
