• To begin services for a new pet sitting client, you will go to an initial interview (Meet and Greet) to meet the owner and pet(s) to see if it is a good fit for you. At this initial interview, you will get to know the pet(s) and gather thorough care instructions for our Client Portal.
• Visit times are generally for 30 minutes, but can be 20, 45 or 60 minutes at a time. We also offer a Mid-Day Potty Break for dogs for 15 minutes.
• The time will be spent walking the dog(s), feeding the pet(s), cleaning up any messes you (or they) have made (counter. bowls and spoons cleaned), scooping the litter box daily, mail and paper pickup, and any light watering for indoor/outdoor plants. Some pets require medications also. If you have time left over, you can sit with the dog(s) and/or cat(s) and play with and pet them.
• Pet sitting visits are usually done at approximately the same time each day to maintain continuity for the pets. If the visits are twice daily for dogs and cats, you will do one visit in the morning (7 am - 9 am) and one visit in the early evening (6 pm - 8 pm) unless the client requests otherwise. You will have a schedule to follow for the visits.
• Some dogs need mid-day walks, in addition to morning and evening walks.