Keeping Dogs Cool in Summertime


Keeping Dogs Cool in Summer

Keeping dogs cool in summertime is one of those things we usually don’t think about until it’s reallllly hot outside.  It’s already April and it’s starting to give us hints of the summer to come. Making preparations for your pup now can help them avoid overheating and dehydration.  It will also keep them happy and tail wagging.

How to Keep Dogs Cool

There are some basic things to be mindful of when keeping dogs cool in summertime. 

First and foremost, provide them with ample amounts of water.

If they are outside, be sure to provide shaded locations away from direct sunlight.  Just like humans, resting in the shade is a nice retreat on a hot day.

Provide towels dipped in cool water for them to lay on.  Even better, put that towel in the freezer first.  This will make their bellies feel good and help to bring down their internal temperature. The towels will have to be changed as they dry out, of course.

One of our favs is a hot water botted filled with ice water.  Dogs love these and they usually keep their coolness longer than the towels mentioned above.  Be careful though, if you puppers starts to chew on them, that could be dangerous.

Invest in Being Cool

There are some great products on the market made just for dogs that will help keep them cool.  Let us know if you have any to add.

Dogs, like toddlers, love to splash around in the kiddie pool.  Providing Fido with their own pool filled with cool water is a win!  You can find one for under $15 at Lowes or about $40 on for extra-large dogs.  The trick with these is to maintain a cool water temp and that usually means refilling frequently.

keeping dogs cool in summertime
Look at that Happy Face!

Also, there are other pool options made just for dogs that attach to a sprinkler and act like a fountain.

A cool place to rest or sleep will make Fido happy, too.  There are cooling mats made just for dogs that absorb their body heat.  They can be used in your home, in a kennel, in the car, and even outside.

If you’ve ever had ice cream on a hot day, you know how happy it makes you.  The same is true for your dog.  But not human ice cream please, doggie desserts.  Did you know that Ben & Jerry’s also makes cool treats just for dogs?  It’s an amuse-bouche for your pup.

Before you know it, the hot soupy summer of the South will be here for you and your dog.  We hope you both stay cool.

For more information about this subject or general questions you can contact:

Courie Dennis with Posh Paws Pet Care, LLC
Visit our website at
Or send us a note from our contact page here.

Courie Dennis with Posh Paws Pet Care, LLC
Visit our website at
Or send us a note from our contact page here.
