Helpful Articles


For When you want to learn more about your four-legged, furry (or not so furry), family member who is your constant source of comfort, joy, and friendship!

Holiday Foods for Pets: Yummy and Safe

Holiday Foods for Pets: Yummy and Safe

What’s Safe and What to Avoid The holidays are here, and meal planning may be at the top of your ...
Cold Weather Safety Tips for Pets

Cold Weather Safety Tips for Pets

Cold weather safety tips for pets — but in the South? You bet. Even though the cold weather here is ...
Posh Paws

Shopping with Posh Paws, Can You “D.I.G” It

Shopping with Posh Paws - Can You D.I.G. It We at Posh Paws love all things Dog. If you’re a ...
hiring a professional pet sitter

Why Hiring a Professional Pet Sitter is Important

Hiring a professional pet sitter has a myriad of benefits. Not only for you, but also for your pets. Depending ...
too many dog treats

5 Signs You’re Feeding Your Pup Too Many Dog Treats

Too many dog treats? Your dog will disagree, but it really is a thing. Some dog owners use treats so ...
getting rid of dog urine

Getting Rid of Dog Urine Smell

Whatever age your dog, accidents happen. As a dog owner, it’s expected. The issue is getting rid of dog urine ...
Loss of a Pet

Loss of a Pet – How to Cope

Dealing with the loss of a pet can be devastating. If you’ve ever been through it, you know. We know ...
pack leader

Who is the Pack Leader in Your House

Who’s the Pack Leader in Your House? Is there a pack leader in your home? Dog ownership is one of ...
challenge your dog

Fun Ways to Challenge Your Dog’s Mind

Are you looking for ways to challenge your dog? If not, it might be something worth considering. This is especially ...